
The website and its contents are the property of the Luxembourg Red Cross, hereinafter referred to as the RED CROSS, whose registered office is located at 44, Boulevard Joseph II, L-1840 Luxembourg, B.P. 404, L-2014 Luxembourg.

Donations that you make via this donation platform are made with the involvement of our service provider iRaiser. The company iRaiser is a "société à responsabilité limitée" with a share capital of 5,000 euros, registered in the Commercial Register of Nantes under number 539 250 571 and whose head office is located at 279 route de Clisson, 44230 Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire. Phone: +33(0)184178492, e-mail:


This site is hosted exclusively at data centres in Europe (Ireland and Germany) of the company Amazon Web Services (AWS):
Amazon Web Services Inc.
410 Terry Avenue North,
Seattle, WA 98109-5210, USA

All personal information is treated as strictly confidential and has two levels of encryption.
The company, iRaiser, strives to ensure the highest level of security for all its solutions.

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